
一些学员的课程评价 Some Trainees' Comments

I have personally experienced tremendous benefits from taking this class. It helps me to greatly improve my personal communication skills which tend to be a weak spot for many Chinese immigrants. It gives me an opportunity to speak in public. I have gained confidence and awareness, also reduced fear when speak publicly.


My name is Yan Sun. I work at the Finance Department of the International Monetary Fund. During February to May 2009, I took Mr. Zhu Bin's Public Speaking class at the Hope Chinese School Fairfax Campus and thought it was the best and the most useful course I have even had.

Why do I like it--the class was full of fun and provided practical insight about how to improve public speaking skills. Mr. Zhu used vast amount of lively examples to illustrate the principals of public speaking. Students were able to absorb the concept naturally in an active and friendly environment.

What was my biggest gain--confidence!! I was the kind of person who would avoid speaking in public. Mr. Zhu provided much opportunities in his class for students to practice and offered valuable feedback. I now feel more comfortable and confidence speaking in public settings.

How do I use the skills learned from the class--believe it or not, at the end of every day, I find myself planning for the next day in terms of what to say during meetings and how to convey my opinion clearly and effectively.
Enjoy your class!
--孙燕, IMF国际货币基金组织

I am Mrs.Weiyi liu, I am an associate scientist in Medimmune, Inc. I think your 公众演说课程让我的演说能力发生了180度的转变,我相信以后不论在各个方面,无论是工作还是生活,还是事业上,公众演说这项技能一定会让我成功的速度来倍增10倍以上。
--刘玮漪,MedImmune Inc.

When I walked into your classroom for the first time, I thought I would go through another seminar series alike. I never would expect that I will be pushed in front of a group of people, in front of a camera to give a show. However, through the journey of studying and digging information, thinking and organizing thoughts, and putting them into a presentation with style, I realized that this is one of the rarest classes for quite a while from which not only I have really learned a skill, but also I have rediscovered my own limitations.


(keep updating)

